Thursday, February 10, 2011

You have heard it said... but we say...

You have heard it said,
“There is no god; existence is a matter of chance”;
but the people of God say,
“Praise our God, the Great Creator!”
You have heard it said, “God is dead or never was!”,
but the body of Christ says,
“God is with us—Emmanuel!”
You have heard it said, “God is a figment of the human mind!”,
but the community of the Spirit says,
“Come Holy Spirit. Great is the faithfulness of God!”


a pearl downunder said...

Hi Anita,

Loved this, and have included it in the liturgy tomorrow, with credit to you. I am thinking of having 2 people lead, one saying:
You have heard it said,
but the people of God say,
the other the section in quotes, and the congregation responding as you have indicated.
thanks for posting this.

Anita Monro said...

Thanks. It would work particularly well with 2 leaders as you suggest. I hope it goes well!