Thursday, December 3, 2009

Advent Light and Water

Our new church year has begun! We’re into its second week already. So, let me wish you (a little belatedly) a happy new year!

The church year begins with Advent—a time when we look forward to the coming reign of God and the coming celebration of the birth of Christ, the incarnation (the coming of God into the world as a human being).

Each Sunday of Advent has a theme—HOPE, PEACE, JOY, LOVE. We recall these themes when we light the Advent candles.

Advent is part of what is called the “Season of Light”. The Season of Light begins with Advent moves through Christmas to Epiphany. In the northern hemisphere this Season of Light occurs over a period when the days are growing shorter and the climate is getting colder. Christmas occurs at the point that it is obvious that a change has occurred—the days are getting longer and the promise of warmth ahead is assured. Lighting Advent candles comes from this background where the light of the candles offers hope and comfort in the midst of winter.

Of course, in our setting, the very opposite is happening—the days are getting longer and the weather is getting hotter.

This year we’re using the symbol of water alongside the Advent candles. Water is a sign of refreshment and relief in times of dry and heat. It is also part of one of the central acts of our faith—Baptism—with its promise of renewal in Christ. So as the days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer, we are being reminded of God’s promise of renewal and relief in the pouring of water.

May God bless you with the renewal and refreshment made available to us through the gift of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit! Happy new year!

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