Friday, August 21, 2009

Affirmation of Faith

We dwell in God,
who brought forth creation
and the dawning of time,
who journeyed with a people
chosen from among the nations
to proclaim God’s presence.

God dwells with us
as the risen Christ,
the crucified, ascended One
who lived our life, died our death
knew our pain, shared our joy
and redeemed our humanity.

God dwells within us:
the Holy Spirit of life,
inspirer and invigorator,
soothing peace and fiery provocateur,
strengthening, sustaining, sanctifying
our frail mortal existence.

The dwelling place of God is our home.
Glory be to God: Source, Saviour and Spirit—
our welcoming host, our honoured guest,
and our faithful companion on the way.

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