Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Birthday UCA!

On 22nd June, 1977, the Congregational Union of Australia, the Methodist Church of Australasia and the Presbyterian Church of Australia, in communion with the whole Church Catholic, and seeking to bear witness to that unity which is both Christ’s gift and will for the Church, entered into union under the name of the Uniting Church in Australia. They prayed that this act would be to the glory of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. They gave praise for God’s gifts of grace to each of them in years past; acknowledged that none of them had responded to God’s love with a full obedience; and looked for a continuing renewal in which God will use their common worship, witness and service to set forth the word of salvation for all people. (Adapted from Para. 1, Basis of Union 1971.)

Today we celebrate the 32nd anniversary of that union as we honour the God who continues to lead us forward together.

The emblem of the Uniting Church in Australia shows the cross of Jesus Christ, in its light and love, standing over a darkened world—redeeming it through grace and truth. By that cross people are bound to Christ and each other. The Holy Spirit, symbolised by the dove with the wings of flame, empowers and guides us to be witnesses to Jesus Christ. The wide U at the bottom points to the fact that we are uniting; as a semicircle it also reminds us that the renewing of both church and world are as yet incomplete. The emblem symbolises something of the vision we have glimpsed and the hopes we hold for the future. In particular it reminds us:
• that the gospel message is central in all that we seek to do;
• of the need for constant reform and renewal;
• of our commitment to worship, witness and service.
(From “Guidelines For The Use Of The Uniting Church Logo”, Assembly Standing Committee, July 2005)

God of heaven and earth,
you make us one in Christ.
Inspire us with new vision
and the wisdom of ancient dreams.
Give us strength to walk together
until we come to our eternal home.
In Christ’s name. Amen.
(From Uniting in Worship 2, 2005)

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